September 28, 2023

It’s Through Service That We Grow

TeliosPC Team

Telios Team PaintingDesmond Tutu said, “Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” Telios is dedicated to playing its part in contributing those small yet meaningful acts of kindness. 

Our core values emphasize the importance of giving back, reflecting on our commitment to make a positive impact and serve others. We strongly believe Telios has a responsibility beyond profit-seeking to serve the communities that support our business, employees, and their families; we genuinely care about the well-being of those around us. Charitable activities are the cornerstone of our Company’s mission and remind us that there are individuals in need beyond our company, deserving of a helping hand. 

It is through the dedication of our employees that Telios is making a difference. Our team members are willing and able to put in the work, not only participating in our Company’s service projects but also actively contributing ideas and plans for service projects in the future. Telios acknowledges that our employees carry their own philanthropic passions outside the office. We encourage them to share those initiatives with us so we can develop a project that benefits their chosen cause and their desire to serve. Witnessing our team unite to assist their colleagues’ causes is truly inspirational, fostering a deeper understanding and care for issues affecting other communities and parts of the world.

Through volunteering and service, our employees are provided with a unique avenue for personal and professional growth. They gain invaluable skills ready to be used at any stage of life including teamwork, leadership, and problem-solving. It’s through service to others that we grow. 

Telios Cares