Energy Services
The approach that permeates our Energy Team is one of careful listening, analyzing, and optimizing in order to carry out innovative and sustainable solutions. We constantly evolve to address our clients’ renewable energy needs.
Solar Energy

Telios planted roots in the solar industry years ago, working with our large commercial and industrial (C&I) customers to first listen and define their renewable energy strategy and goals in the highly complex, deregulated ERCOT market.
We then maximize their on-site solar potential. Our earliest project created the largest behind-the-meter solar array in the service territories of one the largest utilities in Texas, and we haven’t stopped since. Our background in highly skilled engineering, complex tax equity-based financial analysis, and construction know-how makes our Energy Team a comprehensive partner in providing renewable energy solutions.
With initial success in the distributed generation market, we began developing utility scale solar plants in order to adapt to our clients’ needs. Most facilities and campuses can only fulfill a portion of their energy needs behind-the-meter, relying on imported grid energy for the balance. We sought to be a turnkey partner capable of maximizing on-site generation, and then delivering the balance via grid-based, front-of-the-meter PV plant development coupled with bilateral power purchase agreements. Our development talents quickly grew beyond nimble engineering and construction to include a full suite of transactional services, including site acquisition, power purchase agreements, detailed proforma, and operations and maintenance (O&M).

Energy storage is now a major part of the energy landscape, with costs continuing to decline while storage emissions and O&M benefits provide major advantages over fossil fuel generation.
Solid oxide fuel cells, on-site hydrogen, and traditional lithium-ion batteries are just a few of the technologies making the transition from emerging technology to mainstream in the critical power sector. Telios has been addressing storage challenges since the industry’s early days, partnering with multiple suppliers and technologies to tailor storage solutions to a variety of challenges.
Our energy development pipeline includes nearly 600 MWh of utility-scale battery storage, mostly coupled with PV to create truly dispatchable renewable power plants. Our team has the expertise to address the concerns unique to each project and site. We focus on storage system design and site integration, operation and augmentation strategy, and financial proforma for any application imaginable.
Fuel Cell Technology

Fuel cells and renewable hydrogen are paving the way for on-demand renewable energy, and Telios is at the epicenter of these emerging technologies.
Our team has extensive experience with multiple fuel cell technologies, including PEM, molten carbonate, and trigeneration. Our team provides a range of services from balance-of-plant design and construction, turn-key site integration, to complete power plant development.
Our team developed one of the first megawatt-scale PEM fuel cell generators capable of back-up or continuous, prime power generation with both grid-forming and grid-paralleling capabilities. This development catalyzed the expansion of utility scale hydrogen storage and launched a new era in dispatchable, emissions-free power generation.